Friday, September 7, 2012

Genetic solution to insect population control

1 comment:

  1. In order to fight cancer you have to start from the root of the problem and fight it where it starts.
    Environmental situations are one of the biggest causes. We live in a spoiled and very dirty environment with poisonous substances we have consumed for years and years. All in minuscule amounts. So tiny that it can actually over prolonged time cause our DNA to include cancer tenancies that we now a days use to prognoses our chances of cancer.
    One of those poisons are coming from the extensive use of pesticides on all produce and farmed fruit or wheat, corn, ect.! We buy from our store these items to eat them .. It goes further, even meat carries over poison that fuels our growth of cancer but this time and from this end of our food chain.

    So it stands to reason to do something about the pesticides that we have to consume!

    This is why I started to think about what we can do and looked at any possibility to avoid any more usage of pesticides. Since 1992 I have researched and looked into multiple possibilities and finally in 2010 had an epiphany. I discovered a solution only due to my misfortune and my tragic loss of my children, which died after birth of a very rare genetic disease.
    Within a month I researched any positive and negatives and further more double checked for the possibilities of making this the replacement of any horrible pesticides.

    I felt it is necessary to inform as many people specifying in the very elaborate field of geneticist. In spring of 2011 I written to the head team of geneticists at the US department of aquaculture to bring awareness of my theory. I called it my grasshopper idea! Now I am aware these people are not anywhere involved in the beginning stages of development or research and are only in the position to lend their expertise to make it government approved to be applied and used for the consumer used! This itself includes long time research after the initial discovery and experiments.
    So I went the opposite routed in reverse.. Laugh out loud oops!

    I realized I needed to correct my oversight but had no access to laboratories nor did I have access to said specializing expert genetic researchers. So I written down my idea (from my had written notes) and faxed it to Wikepidia the encyclopedia, who I know is having departments to conduct research. I included, in case of questions, the names and contact information of the persons of the US department of agriculture I contacted before. To ensure attention I also released a press statement of my Grasshopper idea and it's benefits to most media companies ( BBC, CNN, FOX, ABC and many more as well as the Washington Post and the NY Times).

    In 2012 I had an accident that immobilized me and had brought me in contact with Baylor University in Dallas TX. This university has a special teaching and researching team! I publicized my idea with them in thanks of their professional and good care of my injuries. I also included their research team in an additional benefit or side effect that is very important in the future. (Killer bees could be stopped from speeding, Mosquitos with deadly virus diseases could be stopped a different way and very environmentally friendly.
